April 20, 2010

'Preparing to fly' Training Workshop

On Saturday 17th April, the ZSP stage II schools joined together for a training workshop titled 'Preparing to fly' run by the ZSP team. Each school was represented by their Principal, ICT Champion and a member of the ICT Committee. We were excellently hosted by Capricorn Primary School.

During the morning we looked at how roles within school would change as a result of schools joining the ZSP, we considered factors that would influence the success of ZSP at the schools and the schools shared their hopes and fears about the ZSP. Each group was given an opportunity to positively summarise their school, you will be able to see their contributions on their individual pages over the next few days. 


  1. Looking forward to the individual comments that will follow. As my question would have been- What are the response of delegates towards the projects? There fears , expectations and contributions in the future towards the project. I guess some will be answered in your blog. I have been following progress and I can see the Project is vibrant, exiting, alive and I am looking forward to read more.

  2. Thanks Zubeida. All I can say is ...watch this space!
