November 22, 2010


One of the Strategic Objectives of this Project is to improve the numeracy and literacy results in the ZSP schools.

This is a Grade 5 class at Thomas Wildshutt Senior School doing a Numeracy Speed Test (see Speed Test post). It is the concentration of this leaner that is noteworthy, his total focus on getting the best possible score (although he is not alone in his efforts as you can see from the surrounding learners).

One of the aims of ZSP is to allow technology to be an effective tool for educators in their mathematics teaching, the role of the ZSP Curriculum Team is to provide the training and support to allow this to happen.

November 17, 2010

Donor visits to the ZSP schools

During November the ZSP family of schools received visits from Danny Gallagher, Chairman of Protea Education Development Project and Mark Dobbyn, Human Dignity Foundation.

The schools had the opportunity to showcase how the support of the Zisukhanyo Schools Project has impacted upon their staff and learners.

November 8, 2010

Five years later....

The computer centre at Intshayelelo Primary School was officially opened in September 2005. This was over five years ago...what is the feedback from the school today?

" It is not a secret that our school has improved in all learning areas in general and
 literacy in particular. The use of the computer room has broadened the knowledge
 of both educators and learners." Mr VS Gantsho, Principal.

" Using the computer room in teaching learners helps me a lot... the learners become more interested to learn than when listening to the educator talking in the classroom" Mngxekeza T.

"It (computer room) provided us with a variety of activities that we were unable to do in class." Mbaba M